Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lake Day

      Ken (my boyfriend) made sure that KC was exposed to the water from an early age, because he loves the water and he wanted a dog that did too.  As a little puppy, KC was reluctant at first but she grew to love it.  She loves going to the lake and fetching balls or sticks out of the water.  The other day we decided to go the lake because it was warm outside.  This would be the first time we had been to the lake since last summer, and the first time since we got Jubilee.  I figured Jubilee wouldn't like the water, but no harm in trying.  
Tired after a long day at the lake!
      Once we got to the lake, the first thing KC did was jump in the water.  Ken always has a ball or a stick that he throws and KC will jump in, swim after it, and bring it back.  Jubilee, however, wasn't too sure what was going on.  I sat on the dry part of the sand and watched KC swimming after sticks.  Jubilee sat right beside me and did the same.  I told Ken that I wanted to see what Jubilee would do in the water.  He picked Jubilee up, walked out in the water a ways, and then put her down in it.  She immediately swam back to shore and ran over to me.  I could tell that she hated what just happened.  At home, when I give her baths, she likes to rub all around on the carpet to try and get dry.  Well, apparently, sand has the same appeal.  She began to rub all in the sand trying to get dry, and the next thing I know she looked like a tiny little sandman.  She was completely covered in sand!
      It was one of the funniest/weirdest things I had seen, but needless to say, that was the last time we put her in the water at the lake.  After that, we just let her sun bathe by me while KC swam after sticks.

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